Psalm 23 coach: Protector

September 25, 2024
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by Shannon Caughey

For some of the athletes you coach, life is going well. For others, however, life is hard. Whether because of present circumstances or longer-term situations, you may have athletes who are fragile or fearful. Some may be feeling alone. Others might be struggling with unknowns about the future. What does it look like to honor Christ as a coach when leading athletes who are feeling vulnerable?

Look again to how the Lord shepherds us as portrayed in Psalm 23. We’ve previously explored vv. 1-3 in this series of devotions, and we’ll now consider v. 4. For the sake of review and context, here is Psalm 23:1-4 – 

1 The Lord is my shepherd, 

     I lack nothing.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, 

     he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he restores my soul. 

He guides me along the right paths 

     for his name’s sake. 

4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, 

     I will fear no evil, for you are with me; 

your rod and your staff, 

     they comfort me.

We all go through seasons when we “walk through the darkest valley.” No matter how difficult the situation, we need not be afraid of what may happen or what the future holds. We can feel secure in the Lord. Why can we “fear no evil”? Because our Good Shepherd is our protector. The first reason the psalmist gives for his confidence in the Lord as protector is this: “for you are with me.” God protects us through his presence. In Matthew 28:20, Jesus reiterates this promise of his presence with us at all times, saying, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

In the second half of Psalm 23:4, the psalmist points to another reason he is secure in the Lord as he walks through the darkest valley: “your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Shepherds in that time carried a rod that they would use to defend their sheep against predators. They also had a staff. The purpose of the shepherd’s staff was to assist the sheep: directing them away from danger and encouraging them toward the right path. Both were comforting because they were tools of the shepherd’s protective care—even when walking through dark valleys.

Coach, when you trust and follow the Lord, you are secure in him as your protector whether life is good or life is hard. Now you can be a channel of the Good Shepherd’s work as you coach your athletes. Lead in such a way that they are secure in you as their protector, especially as they encounter dark valleys. You do this as your athletes are confident in your presence. When athletes mess up or make poor choices, demonstrate that you will not distance yourself from them or abandon them. When athletes are hurting and need a listening ear, seek to be available and compassionate.

You also serve as a protector for your athletes as you do your best to defend against predators who desire to harm them. This includes making sure you and your fellow coaches are above reproach in how you interact with athletes—so that there is not even a hint of anything impure and sinful in your words and actions. In addition, you defend your athletes as you help them recognize and resist deceitful voices that prey upon their vulnerability and attempt to take them down destructive paths. Instead, encourage your athletes to make choices that God says are life-giving. Direct them toward the true security of finding their identity in Christ, not in the things of this world.

A key dimension of being a “Psalm 23 coach” is embracing the role of protector. God has entrusted you with the opportunity to lead people he loves who may be walking through the darkest valley. Whatever their difficulty or struggle, may they experience the security of being shepherded well by you.

For reflection: Praise the Lord that he is your protector and you are secure in him. Ask God to grow you as a shepherding leader who protects your athletes in ways that honor Christ.



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