Psalm 23 coach: Instiller of confidence

October 9, 2024
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by Shannon Caughey

As a coach, you know that athletes who compete with confidence have a much greater probability of success. When this confidence is present no matter what the competitive circumstances—good, bad, or somewhere in between—athletes can thrive. Your goal, then, is to instill this healthy, non-circumstance-dependent confidence in those you coach. 

Consider the impact if you also encouraged this same type of confidence in your athletes with regard to life more broadly. What enables you to do so? Let’s return again to Psalm 23. In this series of devotions, we’re looking at the truths in this well-known psalm and applying them to coaching. In the last devotion, we discussed how Psalm 23:4 describes the shepherd-leader as a protector: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” As we now move to v. 5, the imagery changes. The psalmist has been presenting the Lord as our shepherd, but now the Lord is seen as our host: “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

Psalm 23:5 pictures the caring, generous hospitality of the Lord. He welcomes us to his table and spreads a feast before us. In that culture, when an honored guest arrived, the host would anoint their head with a fragrant oil intended to soothe and refresh them after their travels. The Lord provides this restorative care for us in the midst of the often-wearying journey of life. The psalmist also says, “My cup overflows.” What the Lord does for us is not “just enough.” His goodness is abundant.

The psalmist describes the Lord’s hospitality as taking place “in the presence of my enemies.” It isn’t clear if these enemies are there as captives or if they’ve come to offer their surrender. Maybe these enemies are still “at large” and in the area. Whatever the case, they can do nothing to hinder God’s work. All of this instills the psalmist with great confidence in the Lord’s abundant care and provision in every circumstance.

When you have put your trust in Christ and are following him, you share this deep confidence in the Lord. No matter your current situation, you are secure in the Lord’s welcoming presence, generous provision and refreshment, and unhindered protection. As you live with this confidence in the Lord, you can thrive in him—even when you “walk through the darkest valley.”

Through your influence as a coach, you have an opportunity to instill this same confidence in your athletes. Ask the Lord to enable you to lead in a way that expresses genuine care. Whatever their background or current role on the team, make it your goal that every athlete feels welcomed and valued by you. Recognizing the weariness they may be experiencing because of life’s challenges, seek to bring refreshment through how you coach them. Be generous with words that build up, even while correcting them. 

As your coaching reflects the Lord’s generous care, you point your athletes toward how to thrive in God’s good design for their lives. And you give them a chance to have the healthy, non-circumstance-dependent confidence that comes with responding to God’s work. Psalm 23 coaches are instillers of this confidence.

For reflection: Thank the Lord for his welcoming presence, generous provision and refreshment, and unhindered protection. Ask God to grow you as a coach who instills confidence in your athletes through leading them with genuine, generous care.



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