Psalm 23 coach: Visionary leader

October 14, 2024
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by Shannon Caughey

Because of the influence you have, being a coach is an immense privilege and significant responsibility. If you are a follower of Christ, you can look to the Lord to shepherd you in how to best embrace this privilege and responsibility. That’s what this series of devotions on Psalm 23 has been about. Being a Psalm 23 coach includes utilizing your influence to provide, restore, guide, protect, and instill confidence—all of which the Lord does for you. Let’s look at one more quality from this well-known chapter of the Bible: being a visionary leader.

Psalm 23 comes to a close with a powerful promise in v. 6: “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” The psalmist does not know what his future circumstances will include. The coming months and years may be filled with wonderful situations, or there may be lots more dark valleys ahead. Whatever happens, he is sure of what will remain unchanging: the Lord’s presence with him, goodness to him, and love for him. 

The psalmist says that God’s goodness and love “will follow me all the days of my life.” The term “follow” in this context does not mean “bring up the rear” but rather “pursue.” It communicates the active, persistent goodness and love of the Lord. God demonstrates his goodness to us on our best days and on our worst days. He loves us unconditionally now and for all eternity. If we’re ever tempted to question this, we need only to look to Jesus. When we were lost and hopeless in our sin, God through Jesus came all the way to us and did all that was required for us to be reconciled to him. The Lord pursues us not because of who we are but because of who he is, our good and loving God.

The psalmist concludes with, “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” The house of the Lord was recognized as the place where God makes his presence real so his people can draw near to him. The psalmist is confident that wherever he goes and whatever he encounters, the Lord is with him. He can always walk closely with God, worshiping him and experiencing deep connection to him.

Psalm 23:6 lays out an amazing vision for what life is like when we trust and follow the Lord. This vision is for today and for the future, as the psalmist emphasizes with “all the days of my life” and “forever.” It is a vision that fills us with confidence, courage, and hope.

Consider again your influence as a coach. Does the way you lead give those you coach an experience of God’s goodness and love? Even if they are unable to name exactly what it is, do your athletes and fellow coaches encounter the Lord’s presence with you? Do they see your devotion to Christ in all you do? 

Coach, you seek to give your athletes a vision of the competitive success they can experience if they consistently do the right things in training and practice. Take this a step further. With how you lead and relate to your athletes, give them a vision of what life is like if they trust the Lord. Pray for God’s work through you in the lives of those around you. May your influence lead others to put their faith in Christ so that they, too, can confidently say, “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

For reflection: Thank the Lord for his lifelong, eternal promise of his presence with you, his goodness to you, and his love for you. Ask God to grow you in utilizing your influence as a coach to give your athletes a compelling vision of the life of trusting and following Christ.



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