by Shannon Caughey
I heard about a coach who deliberately creates chaos and adversity during team practices. He sets up unfair rules for competitive drills, and then he is intentionally inconsistent in how he enforces these rules. He pipes in loud music that makes it hard to hear and concentrate. He chooses different players each day to be the recipient of extra discipline, even though it feels like they don’t deserve it. While these practices are difficult, the players stay with it because they trust their coach. They know he is developing in them the kind of toughness and steadfastness in the face of adversity that will pay off during games.
Whether or not we agree with this coach’s methodology, he has rightly identified a quality needed for improving competitive success. This same quality is essential for growth in godliness. 2 Peter 1:6 refers to it as “patient endurance.” We’re digging into 2 Peter 1:3-7 in this series of devotions and considering how to be a godly coach. Godliness, which is commitment to God that leads to living in ways that please him, is foundationally his work in us: “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life” (v. 3). Peter then instructs to actively partner with God’s work in us by making every effort to supplement our faith with several important qualities: “Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance…”
Having previously discussed moral excellence, knowledge, and self-control, we turn now to patient endurance. The original Greek term could also be translated “perseverance” or “steadfastness.” It has the sense of steadfastly enduring challenges or suffering without compromising faith in the Lord. The Bible is repeatedly clear that following Christ in a world often set against him and his ways is hard. To exercise the devotion to God that results in a life pleasing to him requires persevering through difficult things—not just for a short time, but over the long haul. How do we supplement our faith with patient endurance so we grow in godliness?
1. Be confident that God is in control.
When athletes believe that their coach is working out a bigger purpose through the difficult drills and conditioning they encounter practice by practice, they have a far better chance of patiently enduring. These athletes trust their coach when he or she promises an ultimate pay-off for their perseverance. In a more significant way, we can be confident that God is in control and working out his redemptive purposes—including through the adversity we encounter. 2 Corinthians 4:17 promises this to us: “For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!” As we trust that God is in control, we can patiently endure present troubles. This enables us to grow in godliness.
2. Be steadfast in following God’s ways.
When things get hard, it’s tempting to look for a short cut or a way out. It’s often what those around us are doing. But we can refuse to give into this temptation and instead remain unwavering in our devotion to Jesus. We can keep choosing to do things God’s way again and again and again, no matter how much easier it would be to do something else. As we are steadfast in following the Lord and what he desires for us—patiently enduring in the face of adversity—we grow in godliness.
In your coaching setting, you may encounter resistance to being devoted to Christ. Prioritizing pleasing God in everything you do as a coach may bring criticism from people who want you to have a “win at all costs” approach. Hard things and possibly even suffering may accompany your efforts to honor Jesus in how you coach. In these and other challenges, trust the Lord and patiently endure. Hold fast to God’s promises and steadfastly follow him. Keep pursuing godliness, knowing that the eternal pay-off of coaching and living for the Lord’s glory is worth it.
For reflection: In what ways do you desire to grow in being confident that God is in control and being steadfast in following him—even when facing hard things? Commit to making every effort to patiently enduring out of devotion to Christ. Thank God that he gives you everything you need for living a godly life.
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