by Shannon Caughey
When we desire to coach and live for Jesus Christ, we face a lot of factors working against the fulfillment of this purpose. Much of the world around us is pursuing rebellion against the Lord and his design. There are people who actively oppose any efforts to incorporate our faith in Christ in how we go about coaching. In addition, we struggle because of our own limitations and inadequacies. Some days we may wonder how God could work through people like us who are flawed and often weak.
These realities are another reason why it is so crucial that we truly know God. In this series of devotions, we’re looking at names and titles of God in Scripture. These names and titles reveal who God is and what he’s like. As our knowledge of God deepens, we grow in trusting him and rightly relating to him. And this impacts how we coach and live – including in the midst of the challenges we face.
In previous devotions, we’ve looked at several names of God that are found repeatedly in the Bible: Most High, Lord, Father, and Holy One. Here’s another: the Lord Almighty. God uses this name of himself or is called this name over 200 times in Scripture. By way of review, when Lord appears in capital letters (or small caps), the original Hebrew word is “Yahweh,” the personal name of God. The Hebrew word for “Almighty” can also be translated “of hosts” – so some English versions of the Bible say “the Lord of hosts.”
This name – “the Lord Almighty” or “the Lord of hosts” – communicates the immense, unrivaled scope of God’s might and authority. The Lord has all the powers (the hosts) of heaven and earth at his disposal. He has all the resources he needs to accomplish all that he desires. As the prophet Jeremiah puts it, “Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you” (Jer. 32:17).
When we know that our God is the Lord Almighty, it changes how we see even the most challenging situations. Consider the psalmist’s perspective in the opening verses of Psalm 46: “1God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3 though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.” The psalmist expresses unshakable confidence in God no matter how difficult the circumstances.
Why such confidence? The answer is in this refrain that the psalmist expresses in v. 7 and then repeats in v. 11 as he closes Psalm 46: “The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” The Lord Almighty – the God who has all the powers of heaven and earth at his disposal – is with us. The Lord Almighty – the God of unrivaled might and authority – is present as our fortress and our ever-present help in trouble. The Lord Almighty – the God for whom nothing is too hard – is at work in and through us to accomplish his purposes.
When you surrender your life in faith to Jesus, you are reconciled through Christ’s work to the God who loves you and who is the Lord Almighty. You can be sure that he is with you. The more you know this One who is the Lord Almighty, the greater your confidence in him and what he’s doing in every situation – including the most challenging of coaching situations.
You are never on your own as you seek to coach in ways that honor Christ and point people to him. The Lord Almighty is with you. When you’re tempted to wonder if a particularly difficult player can ever experience transformation, remind yourself that nothing is too hard for the Lord Almighty. When you’re in a coaching setting in which standing for Jesus means you’ll likely face criticism or attacks, rest in the reality that the Lord Almighty is your fortress.
I love how the Apostle Paul reiterates this assurance in Romans 8:31 – “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Coach, you can have unshakable confidence in God in every situation. This God who makes himself known and draws you to himself through Jesus Christ is the Lord Almighty. He is present and working out his good purposes no matter what challenges you face. The Lord Almighty is with you.
For reflection: Take a few minutes to praise God because he is the Lord Almighty. Praise him for his matchless power. Express your desire to coach and live with complete confidence in him.
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